And what do we like to see our feet in ? Well,awesome shoes for some of us,or maybe comfy shoes,or glamorous shoes, or even in Croc's (hell no).One of my personal favorite shoe brand is Christian Louboutin.You can never say no to his shoe's :D. Well ,shoe's play an important role in fashion.You just gotta find the perfect type of shoe for you,and if you can't walk in heel's,well i say,don't push it.To look fashionable you don't need to hurt yourself.İ know they say that you have to take sacrifices for fashion,but sometimes that's not always right,i mean why torture yourself when you can wear a shoe that's comfy for you and at the same fashionable.Sometimes you have got to make sacrifices from fashion for your health.That's just how it's supposed to be.Well, enough of that talk, here are some pictures of shoes which are in different styles but still are fashionable :
Cute,and totally wear-able :D |
Elegant,but Hard.
Fancy,Girly,but Elegant.
Dont worry the Feet.Shoes. part:2 will come tomorrow with more shoes!!! srry i could only provide this for now --- xoxo- ShaylaEssie <3 İRS--> İnspire,Radiate,Shine :)
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