25 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi

Sneak Peek into another side of Fashion

Well,to me ,i find it quite hard to figure out what to write about fashion while im posting something.And this is caused because i have a load of ideas but i cannot simply finish one to the end because my ideas  are not how i expected them to be.Because what you picture in your mind,is not the same as what happens in reality.Well, i got to say that i love fashion and that there are many aspects of fashion,and necessary accessories to fashion like hair.İ dont like the fact that the fashion industry is soo serious,i mean why does it have to be ? and why the competition? everyone has something else to show and something that reflects their personalties

.And its not about what you wear,it's how you wear it.There are some people that think they are unique because their styles are completely different from the majority of people,which i think is too pushy,thinking that they are somewhat superior from others,which i do not like.İ agree that everyone has the right to wear whatever and whenever they want in daily life,but a little help never hurts.İ believe that everyone has their own style,but sometimes that style may need to be abandoned because ofutter eye pollution.
So i say,Wear what you feel like if it looks good,i dont get some people and their outfits ? dont they look in the mirror? Well if you have a good persective in fashion,you also have a good taste in other things which i call DEEP and broad vision-being able to see whats nice and whats not.
Most importantly,we dont care qabout what celebrities wore or the latest trends,we consider ourselves different from other fashion blogs,showing an uncommon side to fashion :) the fun and informative side :D and more.
So here is a quote i came up with:
But ofcourse the,reason why we love brands are because they make really nice clothes and have quality,but im am saying that you always dont need these because sometimes they wont count.Well designers can mess up too sometimes,according to the person,actually there are people who make me laugh because they pretend to like something designer,and call it ''different'' ''fresh'' etc. when clearly that thing has nothing that can be liked.
İn conclusion well, We love our designers and fashion !  (duhh)
Have a nice day !
İnspire,Shine,Radiate !
-XOXO ShaylaEssie <3 :) :D

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